Excellent Finnish lamb meat
Mäenkoikkala sheep farm is located in the middle of hilly terrain in Tammenlahti, Rantasalmi. The farm has about 50 ewes of indigenous Finnish sheep, which graze on natural pastures and on the farm's organic fields.
I invest in animal welfare and a beautiful, diverse environment. The meat produced in this way is also excellent.
- hostess Ann-Mari Lintunen, Mäenkoikkala sheep farm
Some of the ewes at Mäenkoikkala, all of which have names, lamb in spring and some in late summer. In total, the farm will produce about 120 lambs per year. Some of the lambs are used for breeding, as the farm is a breeding farm for brown Finnish sheep. Some of the lambs end up on the tables of quality-conscious customers through restaurant sales or direct sales. The farm's animals are slaughtered in Kesälahti and the meat is also processed into products such as preserves and sausages.

Ann-Mari Lintunen
040 832 0810

D.O. Saimaa -labelled products
Fresh meat
- lamb
- sheep
Downstream products
- lamb sausages and hot dogs
- lamb cured slowly
- canned lamb
- sheep pâté